Kohei Okamoto
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Professor and Dr. of Geography
Faculty of Letters
Aichi University,
1-1 Machihata-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi JAPAN 441-8522
E-mail: okamotokEvega.aichi-u.ac.jp (Please replace "E" with "@")
Publications written in English
Okamoto,K. and Morita,M.(2022): Mapping isolation: Distribution of isolated foreign women living in Japan. Wakabayashi,Y. and Morita,T. eds Ubiquitous Mapping: Perspectives from Japan. Springer, pp.155-170.
Song, S., and Okamoto, K. (2021): Influential Factors of Entering a Nursing Home and Family Intergenerational Relationships in Shanghai. Geographical review of Japan series B, 93(2), 31-49.
Watanabe, K. and Okamoto, K. and Takagi, A. and Morita, T. and Haruyama, S. and Ida, Y. and Takizawa, Y. and Tanabe, H. and Todokoro, T. and Wakabayashi, Y.(2019): On the SCJ report "Challenges for the national standardisation of geographical names in Japan", Proceedings of the International Cartographic Association vol.2, pp. 143-147.
Okamoto,K. and Arai,Y.(2018): Time-geography in Japan - Its application to urban life. Ellegård,K .ed. Time Geography in the Global Context, Routledge, pp.19-40
Okamoto,K. and Sato,K.(2016): Distribution of non-Japanese residents and support activities for them in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster-stricken areas. Karan, P.P. and Suganuma, U. eds. Japan After 3/11, The University Press of Kentucky, pp.379-397.
Yokoyama,S., Okamoto,K., Takenaka,C., Hirota,I. eds(2014): Integrated Studies of Social and Natural Environmental Transition in Laos. Springer, 160p.
Sharifia, A, Chiba,Y., Okamoto,K., Yokoyama, S., and Murayama, A.(2014): Can master planning control and regulate urban growth in Vientiane, Laos? Landscape and Urban Planning, 131, pp.1-13.
Okamoto,K. and Ishikawa,Y. (eds.)(2014)FTraditional Wisdom and Modern Knowledge for the Earthfs Future. Springer, 212p.
Shimizu,H., Murayama.A,, and Okamoto,K.(2014): New Development in Landscape Planning: Report of the Germany–Japan Symposium and Suggestions on the Research and Practice to be Conducted in the Future. Shimizu,H.,and Murayama.A,eds, Basic and Clinical Environmental Approaches in Landscape Planning. Springer pp. 172-173.
Nishimura,Y., Okamoto,K. and Boulidam,S.(2010): Time-geographic analysis on natural resource use in a village of the Vientiane plain. Southeast Asian Studies, 47(4), pp.426-450
Okamoto,K., Itoh,T. and Yamamoto,M.(2009): Multiculturalism in a globalizing world: views from Japan. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial General Conference of the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC). The National Research Council of Thailand, pp.128-137.
Sato,K., Okamoto,K. and Miyao,M.(2009): Japan, moving towards becoming a multi-cultural society, and the way of disseminating multilingual disaster information to non-Japanese speakers. Proceeding of the 2009 International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, ACM, pp.51-60.
Ikeguchi,A. and Okamoto,K.(2008): The grassroots movement to preserve tidal flats in urban coastal regions in Japan: the case of the Fujimae tidal flats. Karan,P.P. and Suganuma,U. eds, Local Environmental Movements: A Comparative Study of the United States and Japan, The University Press of Kentucky, pp.229-243.
Nishimura,Y. and Okamoto,K. (2007): Time-Geographic Analysis on the change of Jobs in Vientiane Municipality, Laos. The Lao Agriculture and Forestry Journal 2007, pp.58-66.
Miyao.M, Sato,K., Hasegawa,S., Fujikake,K., Tanaka,S. and Okamoto,K.(2007): Multilingual disaster information for mobile phones in Japan. Human-Computer Interaction 9, pp.592-599
Okamoto,K.(2005): Urban transport in an information society: some strategies for the Nagoya-Toyota Metropolitan Region and their geographic implication. Feldhoff,T. and Fluchter,W. eds. Shaping the Future of Metropolitan Regions in Japan and Germany; Proceedings of the 9th Japanese-German Geographical Conference, pp.117-122.
Okamoto,K., Okunuki,K. and Takai,T.(2005): Sketch map analysis using GIS buffer operation. Spatial Cognition IV, Springer Computer Science Series, LNAI 3343-0237, pp.227-244.
Hasegawa,S., Sato,K., Matsunuma,S., Miyao,M. and Okamoto,K.(2005): Multilingual disaster information system: Information delivery using graphic text for mobile phones, AI & Society (Springer), Vol.19, No.3, pp.265-278 .
Sato,K., Okamoto,K and Miyao,M.(2003): Template system for translating Japanese disaster. Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vol. 6, pp.260-263.
Nishimura,Y. and Okamoto,K.(2001): Yesterday and today: Changes in workers' lives in Toyota City, Japan. Karan,P.P. ed. Japan in the Bluegrass. The University Press of Kentucky. pp.96-121.
Okamoto,K.(2000): Book review <Fowler,E.(1996): San'ya Blues: Laboring Life in Contemporary Tokyo. Cornell University Press.> Progress in Human Geography 24(2), pp.328-329.
Okamoto,K.(1998): Automobile traffic in Japan and quality of urban life. The Organizing Committee of the 8th Japanese-German Geographical Conference eds. Sustainability as an Approach for National, Regional and Local Development in Japan and Germany. Faculty of Economics, Hosei University, pp.272-280.
Okamoto,K.(1997)FSuburbanization of Tokyo and the daily lives of suburban people. Karan,P. and Stapleton,K. eds. The Japanese City. The University Press of Kentucky. pp.79-105.
Okamoto,K.(1995)FThe quality of life in metropolitan suburbs of Japan: the availability of private cars and the daily activities of married womenDThe Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University, No.122, pp.155-165.
Okamoto,K.(1993)FThe daily travel-activity patterns in Nagoya cityDThe Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University, Vol.30, No.3, pp.21-36.
Books (in Japanese)
Okamoto,K., Abe,Y., Tsuchiya,J. and Yamamoto,T.(2022): Geographical Research Methods Used in Academic Papers. Kyoto Nakanishiya, 218p.
Arai,Y., Okamoto,K., Tahara,Y. and Chai,Y.(2008): Activity Space in Urban China. Kyoto Nakanishiya, 191p.
Okamoto,K., Wakabayashi,Y. and Teramoto,K.(2006): The Handicapped and the City: geographical and psychological approaches. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 195.p
Takahashi,N., Uchida,K., Okamoto,K. and Sato,T.(2005): The Introduction to Modern Geography. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 82p.
Okamoto,K.(2000): Cognition and Behavior in Urban Space. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 288p.
Arai,Y., Okamoto,K., Kamiya,H. and Kawaguchi,T.(1996): Space and Time in the City. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 205.p
*This book was translated into Korean in 2000
Study Group on Nagoya Metropolitan Area ed.(1993): Nagoya Metropolitan Area. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 146p.
*Chief editor: Kohei Okamoto
Nakamura,Y. and Okamoto,K.(1993): Invitation to Mental Map Study. Tokyo:Kokon-Shoin, 146p.
Arai,Y., Kawaguchi,T.,Okamoto,K.,and Kamiya,H. eds.(1989): Anthology of Time Geography. Tokyo: Kokon-Shoin, 247p.