「BIS二次規制の目的と問題点」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第23巻第9号、1993年、pp.60-65。
「決済システムの動向と課題」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第23巻第10号、1993年、pp.52-59。
「金融自由化・国際化と金融政策」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第12号、1994年、pp.241-251。
「EC通貨統合の動向と展望(上)(下)」国際金融( 外国為替貿易研究会)、第924・925号、1994年、pp.28-30;57-59。
「円・ドルレートをめぐる最近の動向」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第24巻第10号、1994年、pp.52-59。
「国際競争力の測定方法について」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第13号、1995年、pp.237-256。
「ドイツ型ユニバーサルバンクは正解か」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第25巻第6号、1995年、pp.48-55。
「短期資本移動と為替レート」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第14号、1996年、pp.349-370。
「財政赤字・債務残高と日本経済」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第27巻第2号、1997年、pp.69-74。
「合理的予想と安定化政策」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第15号、1997年、pp.255-270。
「ERMの検証−そこに信任は存在するのか−」ファイナンス研究(日本証券経済研究所)、 第23号、1997年、pp.1-12。
「国際金融市場の統合−資本規制の決定要因は何か−」経済論集(熊本学園大学)第4巻 第1/2号、1997年、pp.49-58。
「為替レートの動学分析」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第16号、1998年、pp.59-66。
「国際金融市場の統合−単位根検定による検証−」Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第16号、1998年、pp.67-76。
「欧州新通貨「ユーロ」を巡る動向」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第28巻第7号、1998年、pp.6-13。
“Monetary Independence in the ERM Countries” Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第17号、1999年、pp.137-152。
“The Optimum Currency Area for APEC” Cross Culture(光陵女子短期大学紀要)、第17号、1999年、pp.159-178。
“An Evaluation of and Prospects for Monetary
Integration in the EU Countries”愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第111号、1999年、pp.19-36。
“Speculative Attacks or Fundamentals? Empirical
Evidence from some European Currencies” Applied Economics Letters, 6(10), 1999,
“The Monday Effect in some Asian Foreign Exchange
“European Union, Intra-Trade and Currency Contagion” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第154号、2000年、pp.1-15。
“MERCOSUR and International Trade” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第114号、2000年、pp.53-70。
“Inflation, Corruption and Growth”経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第74号、2001年、pp.141-146。
「国際経済学の授業におけるwebコンテンツの現状と教材試案」メディア教育開発センター研究報告、2001年(芝崎順司氏と共著、first authorは栗原裕)、pp.122-142。
「EUにおける金融政策−テーラールールの是非を中心にして−」日本EU学会会報、2001年、pp.209-221。(高屋定美氏と共著、first authorは高屋定美氏)
“APEC and International Trade” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第116号、2001年、pp.73-92。
“Taylor Rule and Japan” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第158号、2002年、pp.39-56。
“Spreading Use of Digital Money” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第78号、2002年、pp.45-60。
“An Analysis of M4 in the United Kingdom” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第79号、2002年、pp.95-106。
“Economic Conditions, Investment and Employment in Europe” European Research
Studies, 2002, 5(3), pp.3-13.
“Issues Associated with the Spreading Use of Digital
Money” Global Business and Economics Review: Anthology 2002, pp.393-401.
“Financial Policy Targeting in the EU” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第80号、2003年、pp.65-78。
“Trade and Climate Change Policies: Four Problems”愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第120号、2003年、pp.201-216。
“APEC: International Trade and Economic Growth”
Pacific Economic Review, 2003, 10(2), pp.27-42.
“Trade and Foreign Direct Investment between the EU
and the EU Accession Countries of Europe” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第81号、2003年、pp.1-15。
“Potential Effects of EU Accession on CEE Countries” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第121号、2003年、pp.197-211。
“The Benefits and Limitations of E-learning in
Universities” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第163号、2003年、pp.25-40。
“Is Application of the Taylor Rule to Japan
Reasonable?” Global Business and Economics Review: Anthology 2003, pp.314-326.
“The European Banking Market System and Its
Convergence” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第82号、2004年、pp.89-96。
“Problems of Corporate Governance in Japan” Global
Business and Economics Review, 2004, 6 (1), pp.82-91.
“The Day-of-the-Week Effect in Foreign Exchange
Markets: Multi-Currency Evidence” Research in International Business and
Finance 18, 2004, pp.51-57 (with Nobuyoshi Yamori; First author is Yamori).
“’Modeling an Optimal Exchange Rate System to some
Asian Countries” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第165号、2004年、pp.81-92。
“Transparency’ and ‘Credibility’ in Financial
Markets” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第166号、2004年、pp.379-390。
“Problems of Monetary Easing in Japan” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第123号、pp.1-20。
“The Balance Sheets of Central Banks: The Effects of
Expansion” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第83号、2004年、pp.89-95。
「地域通貨の役割と課題」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第34巻第8号、2004年、pp.18-27。
“Exchange Rate Policy and Fundamentals” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第124号、2004年、pp.177-182。
“Why Do EU Countries Use Inflation Targeting?” Global
Business and Economics Review, 2005, 7(1), pp.74-84.
“EU Enlargement and Regional Development” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第167号、2005年、pp.67-74。
“Inflation Volatility and Fiscal Policy in Euroland” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第84号、2005年、pp.43-52。
“How to Use Media in Teaching International Economics in Higher Education” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第125号、2005年、pp.287-300。
“Comparison of Inflation Differentials in the EU and 10 New EU Entrants(研究ノート)” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第168号、2005年、pp.55-66。
“Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Country Business
Cycle in the EU” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第85号、2005年、pp.35-46。
“Monetary Policy during the Bubble Economy(研究ノート)” 愛知大学国際問題研究所紀要、第126号、2005年、pp.301-307。
“The Influence of Introducing Common Currency for
Trade and Employment in APEC: An Empirical Analysis(研究ノート)” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第169号、2005年、pp.327-341。
“Recent Japanese Monetary Policy: An Evaluation of the Quantitative Easing”
International Journal of Business, 2006, 11(1), pp.81-88.
“Cyclical Symmetry and Asymmetry of Fiscal Policy in APEC Countries” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第170号、2006年、pp.27-38。
“Relationship between Exchange Rate and Stock Prices
during Quantitative Easing Policy in Japan” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第86号、2006年、pp.29-40。
「十六銀行 堅実経営で安定、成長」金融ジャーナル、第591号、2006年、pp.39-46。
「百五銀行 健全性高く、さらに収益増強を目指す」金融ジャーナル、第592号、2006年、pp.25-31。
“Do Border Effects and Currency Barriers Exist in
APEC?(研究ノート)” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第171号、2006年、pp.155-163。
“Recent Stock Price Relationships between Japanese
and US Stock Markets" Studies in Economics and Finance 23 (3), 2006,
pp.211-226 (with Eiji Nezu).
“Stock Market Prices and the Reaction of Monetary
Policy in Japan” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第172号、2006年、pp.137-148。
“The Relationship between Exchange Rate and Stock
Prices during the Quantitative Easing Policy in Japan” International Journal of
Business, 2006, 11(4), pp.375-386.
“Is APEC Suitable for Currency Union?” Singapore
Economic Review, 2006, 51(3), pp.325-334.
“Deterministic Elements of the Japanese Stock Prices
during Quantitative Easing Policy in Japan” Global Business & Economics
Anthology, 2006, Vol.1, pp. 137-143.
“Has the Monetary Policy in the South Korean Economy
Effective?” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第173号、2007年、pp.39-48。
“Digital Cash and Local Currency: Have New Forms of Money Been Profitable?” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第88号、2007年、pp.1-20。
“Has Inflation Targeting Been Effective?” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第174号、2007年、pp.37-50。
“An Approach for Determining Stock Prices: The
Mixture of Fundamental and Chartist Model” Global Business & Economics
Anthology, 2007, Vol.2, pp. 384-391.
“Stock Price Relationships between Japanese and U.S. Stock Markets from the
1980s” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第175号、2007年、pp.19-32。
「電子マネー事始め」New Finance(地域金融研究所)、第38巻第1号、2008年、pp.6-13。
“Exchange Rate Volatility and Growth” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第90号、2008年、pp.53-62。
“Binds' Spillover Effects on Other Countries' Bonds” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第177号、2008年、pp.51-59。
“Oil Exporting Countries and the Impact of Exchange Rates Volatility on
International Trade(研究ノート)” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第178号、2008年、pp.161-168。
“A Mixed Approach for Determining Stock Prices” 根津永二先生退職記念号(商学研究:愛知学院大学)、第49巻第1号、2008年、pp.35-42。
“An Evaluation of Monetary Policy Responses to Capital Flows” Global
Business& Economics Anthology, December 2008, Volume 2, pp.13-24.
“Is Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis Reasonable from the View of Trade Blocks
and Currency Zone?” European Research Studies, 2009, 12(3), pp.3-14.
“Relationships between Japanese Stock Prices and Macroeconomic Variables during
Quantitative Easing Period” Briefing Notes in Economics, 2010, 82, pp.8-15 (with Eiji Nezu).
“Large-Value Payment Systems of Financial Institutions(研究ノート)” 経済論集(愛知大学)、第183号、2010年、pp.93-107。
“Has Inflation Targeting Been Effective?” International Journal of Business,
2010, 15(4), pp.411-424.
“Effects of Foreign Reserve Stock in Asian Countries”
Global Business & Economics Review, 2011, 13 (1), pp.84-92.
“Income Convergence Trends in Regional Agreements” Briefing Notes in Economics,
2011, 84, pp.1-6.
“Is the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market Efficient from Two Perspectives of
Forward Bias and Anomaly?” Modern Economy, 2011, 2 (4), pp. 597-601.
“Introducing a Common Currency in Central Franc Zone: Is It Appropriate?”
Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, 2011,
1(6), pp.1-11.
“Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market and
Exchange Rates in Japan” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第96号、2011年、pp.85-91。
"Japanese Stock Price Determination: What Is
Important?” Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2011, 7 (12),
pp.1386-1394 (with Eiji Nezu).
“The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on
International Trade” Modern Economy, 2011, 2 (5), pp.846-849.
“Inflation Targeting and the Role of the
Exchange Rate: The Case of the Czech Republic?” International Business
Research, 2012, 5 (3), pp.33-39.
"Exchange Rate Pressure on Floating Rate System in Asia: Revisited”
International Review of Business and Social Sciences, 2012, 1 (2), pp.22-38
(with Shinya Minegishi and Akio Fukushima).
“Exchange Rate Policy and Capital Flow in New Entrants of EU(研究ノート)” 経営総合科学(愛知大学)、第97号、2012年、pp.57-70。
“The Deterministic Elements of FDI to ASEAN
Countries: The Relationship between FDI and Macroeconomic Variables” Journal
of Management and Sustainability, 2012, 2 (2), pp.11-17.
“The Impact of the Bank of Japan’s News
Announcements on the Japanese Yen, U.S. Dollar, and the Euro” Journal of
Applied Finance & Banking, 2012, 2 (3), pp.39-50.
“Is the WTO Truly Effective?” iBusiness, 2012,
4 (2), pp.121-125.
“Exchange Rate Determination and Structural
Changes in Monetary Policies” Studies in Economics and Finance, 2012, 29 (3),
“Is Consumption in the United States and Japan
Too Much or Too Little?” iBusiness, 2012, 4 (3), pp.228-234 (with Kei
“Central Bank's independence and Stock Prices” Modern
Economy, 2012, 3 (6), pp.793-797 (with Koichiro Morikawa and Sadayoshi Takaya).
“The Balance Sheet Expansion of Central Banks: Are
There Any Problems?” Economic Journal of A 2 Z, 2012, 1 (1), pp.1-6.
“International Trade Openness and Inflation in
Asia” Research in World Economy, 2013, 4 (1), pp.70-75.
“Exchange Rate Determination: Which Is Appropriate, Chartist Model or Fundamental
Model ?” Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 2013, 3 (3), pp.187-196.
“Impact of the Prevailing Internet on International
Trade in Asia” Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 2013, 3 (1),
pp.1-13 (with Akio Fukushima).
“New Keynesian Model and Inflation Prediction”
Chinese Business Review, 2013, 12 (1), pp.34-40.
“Domestic and Foreign Financial Market Reaction to
the Impact of the Bank of Japan's Financial Policy” Global Journal,
2013, 13 (2), pp.8-15.
“Recent Experience of the Effects of Intervention on
Exchange Rates” Chinese Business Review, 2013, 12 (2), pp.77-83.
“The Effectiveness of Financial Policy in the
Japanese Financial Markets” International Journal of Economy,
Management, and Social Sciences, 2013, 2 (5), pp.161-165.
“Does Financial Skill Promote Economic Growth?”
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013, 3(8), 92-95.
“Could Monetary Base Rule Have Achieved
Economics Growth? Recent Japanese Case” Journal of Finance & Economics,
2013, 1(3), 1-12 (with Akio Fukushima).
“The Japanese Economic and Financial
Situation: Where Should We Go and What Changes Are Needed?” International
Journal of Business, 2013, 18(4), 283-286.
“Do Carry Trades in the Foreign Exchange
Markets Influence Stock Prices?” International Journal of Business and
Economics Research, 2013, 2(4), 84-90.
“Effects of Exchange
Rate Fluctuations and Financial Development on International Trade: Recent Experience”
International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2013, 4(5),
“Does Adoption of
Inflation Targeting Reduce Exchange Rate Volatility and Enhance Economic
Growth?” Journal of World Economic Research, 2013, 2(6), 104-109.
“Does Foreign Aid
Promote Economic Growth?” Global Business and Economics Research Journal, 2014,
3(4), 20-30.
“Does High Yield
Spread dampen Economic Growth? The Case of US-Japan” International Journal of
Finance & Banking Studies, 2014, 3(2), 1-9.
“Do Central Bank
Announcements Influence Exchange Rates and Stock Prices?” Journal of Money,
Banking and Finance, 2014, 2(1), 17-30.
“Do European Central
Bank Announcements Influence Exchange Rates and Stock Prices?” Journal of
Applied Finance & Banking, 2014, 4 (4), pp.1-14.
“Has Interest Rate
Policy of the Bank of Japan Influenced Financial Markets?” Journal
of Finance & Economics, 2014, 2 (2), pp.77-85.
“Has the Bank of
Japan’s ABS Purchases Effectively Influenced Financial Markets?” Economics
World, 2014, 2 (3), pp.161-168.
“Improvement of
Financial Skill and Economic Growth” International Journal of Research in
Social Sciences, 2014, 4 (4).
“Is Unconventional
Monetary Policy Effective? Japan-US and Eurozone-US Cross-Country Case”
International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, 2014, 2 (5), pp.1-10.
“Exchange Rates, Stock
Prices, and Commodity Prices: Are There any Relationships?” Advances in Social
Research Journal, 2014, 1 (5), pp.114-122 (with Akio Fukushima).
“Effects of ECB
Monetary Policy: Differences in Policy Interest Rates” Journal of Knowledge
Management, Economics, and Information Technology, 2014, 4 (5), pp.1-18 (with
Akio Fukushima).
“The Demand for Money: Recent Japanese Case”
Economy, 2015, 2 (1), pp.11-18.
“Monetary Approach for Determining Exchange
Rates and Recent Monetary Policy of Japan” International Journal of Financial Economics, 2015, 4 (1), pp.23-31 (with
Akio Fukushima).
“Debt and Economic Growth: The Case of Japan”
Journal of Economics Library, 2015, 2 (2), pp.45-52.
“Asset Price and Monetary Policy: The Japanese Case”
Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 2015, 5 (4), pp.1-9.
“Are Japanese Stock Prices Important
Deterministic Elements of Exchange Rate Returns?”
Bulletin of Applied Economics, 2015, 2 (2), pp.1-9.
“Interest Rate Parity Theory, Risk Premium,
and Break Point: Japanese Case from The 1990s” Journal of Business &
Economic Policy, 2015, 2(4), pp.169-174.
“Oil Prices and Economic Growth in Developed Countries” International Journal
of Business and Social Science, 2015, 6 (11), pp.40-46.
“Term Structure of Interest Rates under Zero
or Low Bound: The Recent Japanese Case” Economy, 2016, 3(1), pp.19-23.
“Openness of the Economy, Diversification, Specialization, and Economic
Growth” Journal of Economics and Development, 2016, 4(1), pp.31-38 (with
Akio Fukushima).
“Effectiveness of the Zero Interest Rate Policy for Financial Markets in
Japan: Principal Components Analysis” Applied Economics and Finance,
2016, 3(3), pp.103-111.
“Deterministic Elements of Japanese Stock Prices under Low Interest Rates”
Journal of Economic & Financial Studies, 2016, 4(2), pp.24-30.
“Flipped Classroom: Effects on Education for the Case of Economics” Journal
of Education and e-Learning Research, 2016, 3(2), pp.65-71.
“Demand for Money under Low Interest Rates in Japan” Journal of Economic
& Financial Studies, 2016, 4(4), pp.12-19.
“Can the Disparity between GDP and GDP Forecast Cause Economic Instability?” International Journal of Economics and Financial Research, 2016, 2(8), pp.155-160.
“Deterministic Elements of 1990s Gold Prices?” American International Journal
of Contemporary Research, 2016, 6(3), pp.89-95.
“Stock Prices, Foreign Exchange Reserves, and Interest Rates in Emerging
and Developing Economies in Asia” International Journal of Business and
Social Science, 2016,7(9), pp.10-15.
“Taylor Rule during the Zero or Low Interest Rate Era: The Recent Japanese
Case” Applied Economics and Finance, 2017, 4(1), pp.1-8.
“Adoption of Inflation Targeting: Impacts on the Stability of Financial
Markets” 村本孜先生退任記念号(社会イノベーション研究:成城大学)、第12巻第1号、2017年、pp.215-226。
“The Effectiveness of Fiscal Expansion under Huge Debt: The Case of Japan”
Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 2017, 4(1), 26-32.
“Monetary Policy and Stock/Foreign Exchange Market Liquidity: The Japanese
Case” Journal of Economics Library, 2017, 4(1), pp.1-8.
“The Market Efficiency of Bitcoin: A Weekly Anomaly Perspective” Journal
of Applied Finance & Banking, 2017, 7(3), pp.57-64 (with Akio Fukushima).
“Are Unconventional Monetary Policy and Large Scale Fiscal Policy Effective?:
The Case of Japan” Applied Finance and Accounting, 2017, 3(2), 42-48.
“The Impact of 'Brexit' on Japanese International Trade in EU” Business,
Management and Economics, 2017, 3(6), 57-61.
“Recent Monetary Policy Effects on Japanese Macroeconomy”, Journal of Economic
& Financial Studies, 2017, 5(5), 12-17.
“Why Do Cash Holdings Occur? Recent Experiences in Japan” International
Journal of Economics, Business, and Management Research, 2017, 1(5), 203-224.
“Are RCEP and TPP Effective?”American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2017, 7(3), pp.102-108.
“Does ICT Promote International Trade?” International Journal of Economics,
Business, and Management Research, 2017, 1(5), 225-235.
“Do FDI and TPP without the United States Promote Stability in TPP Countries?”
Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 2017, 5(3), 30-34.
“How Does Price of Bitcoin Volatility Change? ”International Research in
Economics and Finance, 2018, 2(1), 8-14 (with Akio Fukushima).
“Occurred Uncertainty by ‘News’ in Japanese Short- and Long-Term Financial
Markets ” International Journal of Economics and Financial Research, 2018,
4(4), 93-98.
“The Validity of Applying State Space Model to Japanese Stock Market ”
International Journal of Economics and Financial Modelling, 3(1), 1-8 (with
Shinichiro Maeda).
“Are Unprecedented Monetary Policy Effective: Recent Japanese Case” Applied Economics and Finance, 2018, 5(3), pp.75-81.
“Has Adoption of Inflation Targeting been Effective? Japanese Case” International
Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies, 2018, 1(2), pp.133-141.
“Capital Mobility in the World: TPP Experience” Archives of Business Research,
2018, 6(10), pp.276-282.
“Is Flipped Classroom Effective on Higher Education for the Case of Economics?”
Journal of Business Economics and Information Technology, 2019, 5(5), 24-32.
“AR Model or Machine Learning for Forecasting GDP and Consumer Price for
G7 Countries” Applied Economics and Finance, 2019, 6(3), 1-6 (with Akio
“Does Central Bank Credibility Effectively Influence the Economy? Recent
Japanese Case” Journal of International Business and Economics, 2019, 7(1),
“How Is the Trading Volume of Bitcoin Determined?” 藤原秀夫教授 古稀祝賀記念号(同志社商学)、2019,
“Do Volatility Indexes and Historical Volatility Influence Stock Prices?
The Japanese Case” Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 2019, 9 (6), pp.91-99 (with Shinichiro
“Which Types of Education are Important for Economic Growth” Research in Applied Economics, 2019, 11 (4), pp.1-12.
“Has the Exchange Rate Depreciation Contributed to Exports? Japanese Case”
Archives of Business Research, 2020, 8(4), pp.47-54.
“Why is Inflation Targeting Adopted?” Research in Applied Economics, 2020,
12(1), pp.56-66.
“Taylor and McCallum Rule during the Unprecedented Monetary Easing Era:
The Recent Japanese Case” Applied Economics and Finance, 2020, 7(3), pp.70-77
(with Akio Fukushima).
“Can Bitcoin's Price be a Predictor of Stock Prices?” Noble International
Journal of Economics and Financial Research, 2020, 5(4), pp.50-55 (with
Akio Fukushima and Shinichiro Maeda).
“How Should Higher Education Institutions Provide Lectures under the COVID-19
Crisis” Education, Society and Human Studies, 2020, 1(2), pp.144-153.
“Deterministic Elements of Promoting Financial Services” Advances in Social
Sciences Research Journal, 2020, 7(9), pp.786-794.
“Has the Price of Bitcoin Changed during COVID-19?” Journal of Economics
and Finance, 2021, 12(1), pp.50-55.
“Has Financial Integration of ASEAN and APEC Contributed to Economic Growth?”
International Journal of Accounting and Finance Studies, 2021, 4(1), pp.36-45.
“Have the Purchases of ETF Raised Stock Prices? Recent Japanese Case” Bulletin
of Applied Economics, 2021, 8(1), pp.109-119 (with Shinichiro Maeda and
Akio Fukushima).
“Does the Linder Hypothesis Hold? Recent Japanese Case” Archives of Business Research, 2021, 9(9), pp.69-75.
“What Influences on Stock Prices Have Occurred due to the U.S.-China Trade
Dispute” Journal of Economics & Management Research, 2021, 2(3), pp.1-5.
“How and What Influences from COVID-19 Have Impacted Stock Prices and Exchange
Rates? The Case of Japan” International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance
and Accounting, 2021, 10(2), pp.32-39.
“Comparisons of Three Types of Flipped Classrooms under COVID-19: The Case
of Economics” International Journal of Education & Social Sciences,
2021, 2(9), pp.219-223.
“Have IT Improvements Had Positive Impacts on International Trade?” Asian
Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2021, 4(3), pp.54-61.
“How and What has Influenced Cryptocurrency Prices? Economic Influences or Political Influences” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2022, 9(8), pp.251-258.
“Online versus Online Plus Face-To-Face Class: The Case of International
Economics and International Finance” Archives of Business Research, 2022,
10(8), pp.99-108.
“Can Depreciation of the Currency Cause Rise in Domestic Prices? Recent
Japanese Case” Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 2022, 9(3), pp.22-28
(with Hideo Fujiwara, Akio Fukushima, and Ken-ichiro Oohama).
“Have International Trade and Tourism Been Affected by the COVID-19? The
Case of Japan” Research in Economics and Management, 2023, 8(1), pp.53-61.
“How Can Exchange Rates be Determined? Revisited from the Case of US-Yen
Exchange Rate” Archives of Business Research, 2023, 11(3), pp.99-108.
“Has the Experience of Online Study under COVID-19 Improved Outcomes of
Study in Universities?” Education Quarterly Reviews, 2023, 6(3), pp.210-217.
“What Kinds of Business Skills are Important for Economic Growth?” International
Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2024, 13(2), pp.14-21.
“Stock Prices and Exchange Rates under Monetary Policy: The cases of Japan
and the US” Archives of Business Reviews, 2024, 12(2), pp.129-141.
“An Approach for Determining Exchange Rates: The Mixture of the Purchasing
Power Parity Model and the Chartist Model” Economics and Business Quarterly
Reviews, 2024, 7(1), pp.152-159.
“Is the Balance Sheet Expansion of the Central Bank Inadequate? The Case
of Japan” Archives of Business Reviews, 2024, 12(4), pp.57-63.
“Is There a Gap between the Qualities and Abilities that Universities Foster
and Those Expected by Companies?” Education Quarterly Reviews, 7(3), pp.166-174.
“Effect of Exchange Rate Path-through on Inflation: Recent Japanese Case”
Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews, 2025, 8(1), pp.1-8.